Luckiest man in the U.S., won the lottery twice within 24 hours

Within 24 hours, Kollings Kerry won two American lottery. Having won 55 thousand dollars, he bought a ticket and scratch another, revealing that just won 200 thousand dollars. 61-year-old considers himself one of the luckiest people in America, after winning amount that changed his life. Kollings first ticket was purchased while filling fuel for the car in "River Road Food Mart", Paialljup, Washington. He cut my father had just left when standing at traffic lights and discovered 55.555 dollars profit in "Red Hot 5's". The next day, he tried again fate. Having friends to celebrate with pizza and beer, he bought three tickets "Bring on Bens" scratch and winning only one of them in the amount of 200 000 dollars. Kollings play the lottery "WA" since it was launched in 2004, but two recent tickets were the only ones he had gained a considerable amount. Kollings said he will continue to work in the factory "Auburn Boeing" has earned a lot of money though. He has not decided how it will spend the money, but some of them will serve to settle a debt.

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Brenda 24 orësh, Keri Kollings fitoi dy lotari amerikane. Pasi kishte fituar 55 mijë dollarë, ai bleu një biletë tjetër dhe e gërvishti, duke zbuluar se sapo fitoi 200 mijë dollarë. 61-vjeçari e cilëson veten një nga njerëzit më me fat në Amerikë, pasi fitoi shumën që i ndryshoi jetën. Biletën e parë Kollings e kishte blerë ndërsa po mbushte karburant për makinën në “River Road Food Mart”, Paialljup, Uashington. Ai e gërvishti atë sapo u largua kur kishte qëndruar në semafor dhe zbuloi fitimin e 55,555 dollarëve në “Red Hot 5’s”. Ditën tjetër, ai tentoi sërish fatin. Pasi kishte festuar me miqtë me pica e birra, ai bleu tri bileta “Bring on Bens” dhe i gërvishti duke fituar vetëm në një prej tyre shumën prej 200 000 dollarësh. Kollings luante lotari “WA” që kur ajo kishte nisur në vitin 2004, por dy biletat e ditëve të fundit ishin të vetmet që ai kishte fituar një shumë të konsiderueshme. Kollings tha se ai do të vazhdojë të punojë në fabrikën “Auburn Boeing” megjithëse ka fituar shumë para. Ai nuk e ka vendosur si se do t’i shpenzojë paratë, por një pjesë e tyre do t’i shërbejnë për të larë një borxh.

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Colleges and Degrees College of Arts and Sciences — foundational college of Grand Canyon University and contains majors in the sciences and social sciences, media and communications, and the humanities.. The College of Arts and Sciences has the largest number of faculty members of any college at the university and provides course offerings ranging from Molecular Genetics to Robert Frost. The College of Arts and Sciences represents what is commonly called the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"core education.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Core classes are courses that are required for all student degree programs and support GCU\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s stated mission and vision of student development: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"GCU prepares learners to become global citizens, critical thinkers, effective communicators, and responsible leaders by providing an academically challenging, values-based curriculum from the context of our Christian heritage.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" In addition, the College of Arts and Sciences represents a wide range of bachelor\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s and graduate programs related to the medical field, including programs to prepare students for medical careers as doctors, physician assistants, pharmacists, athletic trainers and addiction counselors. College of Education—teaching future educators has been one of GCU\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s core competencies since its inception.[15] Educational programs include TESOL, elementary, secondary, special education and educational administration.[16] All education programs at GCU are developed to aligned with state and national standards and use the Understanding by Design framework to ensure effective learning. Grand Canyon University College of Education ground, traditional graduates have a 99% placement rate. College of Fine Arts & Production—the artistic hub of Grand Canyon University, the College of Fine Arts & Production offers degree programs in music education, theater and drama, digital film with an emphasis in production or screen writing.[18] [19] College of Nursing - for more than 25 years GCU has offered both ground and online programs. Students who plan to become professional registered nurses (RNs) can enter GCU\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s nursing program as freshmen to begin the pre-requisites or enter the program later with transfer hours. They will earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree and be prepared for an exciting nursing career. The College of Nursing has degrees ranging from the Undergraduate RN to BSN program to a Masters in Nursing with an Emphasis in Nursing Leadership in Health Care Systems In 2010, Grand Canyon University opened a satellite campus in Albuquerque, New Mexico for pre-licensure nursing students in partnership with Presbyterian Health System [22] Ken Blanchard College of Business—focused on servant leadership, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit the Ken Blanchard College of Business offers programs for undergraduate and graduate level students in a variety of business disciplines. Such programs include: bachelors in accounting, marketing, business administration, entrepreneurial studies and finance and economics. The College of Business also offers graduate programs including the Ken Blanchard Executive MBA programs. College of Doctoral Studies - The College of Doctoral Studies offers three distinct doctorate degree programs tailored toward the specific interests of students: the Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership, Doctor of Business Administration and Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology College of Theology - As a Christian university, GCU encourages students to find their purpose in Christ, with an emphasis on applying Christian values and ethics to their studies and to the workplace. GCU offers several undergraduate and graduate Christian studies degrees meant to equip learners to lead as Christians in their areas of influence, be they secular, religious, professional or personal.

Judul : Luckiest man in the U.S., won the lottery twice within 24 hours
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Pada : Monday, June 24, 2013
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