Mystery of ancient status that moves itself

Employees of the Manchester Museum in England remain shocked documented "movement" of an Egyptian statue in the grounds of the museum.

Antique statue is rotated 180 degrees in a few days time limit. Filming has attracted the attention of the media and Internet comments before trying to explain the mysterious phenomenon. Some commentators say that the statue rotates around itself from shocks cross the floor when employees or visitors, while others say that everything is a concoction of museum directors for advertising.

Statue "movable" Sanu called Neb., the 17th century BC. It is found in an ancient tomb in Egypt and was delivered to the Manchester Museum in 1933.

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Punonjësit e Muzeut të Manchesterit në Angli mbeten të tronditur kur dokumentuan “lëvizjen” e një statuje egjiptiane në ambjentet e muzeut. 

Statuja antika është rrotulluar me 180 gradë në një afat kohor brenda disa ditëve. Filmimi ka ngjallur kureshtjen e mediave ndërsa në internet komentet e para mundohen të sqarojnë fenomenin misterioz. Disa prej komentuesve thonë se statuja rrotullohet rreth vetes nga tronditjet e dyshemese kur kalojnë punonjësit apo vizitorët, ndërsa të tjerë thonë se gjithcka është një sajesë e drejtuesve të muzeut për reklamim. 

Statuja “e lëvizëshme” e quajtur Neb Sanu, i përket shekullit të 17 para Erës së Re. Ajo është gjetur në një varr antik në Egjipt dhe i është dorëzuar Muzeut të Manchesterit në vitin 1933. 

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Grand Canyon University is a private Christian school in Phoenix. Students can choose to earn a bachelor's or master's degree in a wide variety of programs offered online or on campus. GCU's programs are available to first time undergrads as well as working professionals, allowing those with differing time constraints to still receive an advanced degree. Time spent in the classroom will focus on various tasks such as reading, writing, participating in discussion groups with peers and instructors, working on projects and conducting research. Students attending online courses will be expected to log in to the school’s Web portal four times a week and meet assignment deadlines. Students typically take one course every eight weeks, two each 16-week semester. Students take only one class at a time to allow them to fully concentrate on the subject. Every two months, new classes are offered to GCU students so they are able to continually acquire skills that can help them advance in their careers

Judul : Mystery of ancient status that moves itself
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Pada : Tuesday, June 25, 2013
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